Knit British at knitbritish! Have you checked out the wonderful podcasts at Knit British yet? From the KnitBritish website: One day I wrote this blog post on a local yarn and I was a bit ashamed to discover that almost all of my stash was imported wool. Quickly I cobbled together the idea to try and knit with as much UK produced yarn as possible, wool grown, spun or dyed in this country and as many British breeds as possible…and not just sheep! There is a wealth of other British grown and dyed fibre such as alpaca, mohair, cashmere, angora, llama…(actually yet to find British llama, do you know any?) The aim was to knit, review and blog on the subject all year and most importantly promote as many UK producers as possible. There is such a huge local resource out there – a wealth of wool. After the first year I was off and running and now there is also the KnitBritish podcast and a Ravelry group too. Get in touch via the contact page or email me louise [AT] knitbritish [dot] net. I’m on twitter @Knit_British and Instagram too. For more information on KnitBritish and how you can be involved, click here.