The Great British tea cosy The Great British tea cosy With the resurgence of baking and all things to bake it’s great to see the most British of institutions making a welcome come back, afternoon tea. As we’ve been slowly morphing into a nation of coffee addicts the tea brigade has remained steadfast in their determination to keep the great British cuppa pouring. A new generation of tea drinkers are looking to serving their tea correctly, a tradition which our grandparents adhered to but perhaps a few of us Boomers have allowed to lapse. Now when is a tea pot not fully dressed for duty? simple when not resplendent with its own bespoke tea cosy. If we trace back the origins of the tea cosy although tea was first introduced to Britain in the 1600s the first documented use of a tea cosy was not ‘till 1867- a Red letter day? Credit most probably due to the Duchess of Bedford who started the afternoon tea tradition. Main image Tea Cosy from the Imperial War Musuem shop Website: With a mixture of both patterns and the finished article, here’s our tea cosy top ten: Gnome tea cosy from Kath Kidson 10. Knome Website: Whittard Arun tea cosy 9. Whittard Arun tea cosy website: Ruperts House snail tea cosy 8. Snail tea cosy on website: Elephant tea cosy from mybaboo on Etsy 7. Elephant tea cosy on website: Tea pot tea cosy from Love Knitting 6. Tea pot from a buzybee pattern at Website: For coffee lovers: Personalised Cafetiere Cosy 5.Your own tea/coffee cosy Website: 4. M&S Coronation Tea Cosy Website: The Fine Cotton Company It’s Time For Tea And Cake Small Tea Cosy 3. Time for tea and cake Website: Mr T tea cosy 2.Mr T tea cosy perfect for a cuppa and some jibba jabba! Website: Cuppa Taaae anyone? 1. Grandpa tea cosy from The irish around Oz blog Website link: